Shocking capo front toyota hilux revo - Rival
€82.00 tax excl.
€1,468.18 tax excl.
Instead of €1,825.43
Full suspension kit PREGNANT.
Stop ToyotaThe following:
HILUX REVO (MK8, MK9) from 2016 to present.
Height: + 40mm
Load: 300kg to 600kg.
Garantia 2 years / 40,000 kilometers.
807205 x 2 -Shock absorber+muelle+copela, Pre-mounted forward Foam cell.
265012 x 2 -Rear ball Pedders Heavy Duty.
151241 x 2 - Rear shock absorber Pedders Foam cell.
EP8338 x 1 – Kit 2 Polyurethane mounts fixed side, Pedders.
EP8339 x 1 - Kit 8 polyurethane joint casings Pedders.
434005 x 4 -Abarcons U Pedders.
5056 x 1 – Adjust height support.
Are you looking to raise your HILUX?
Pedders Suspension has the solution.
This kit includes our excellent shock absorbers Pedders TrakRyder foam cell, front helical springs, new rear crossbows, as well as U shells and bolts necessary to install them.
This is the input level lifting kit and is designed primarily to lift the vehicle and improve the distance to the ground. If you transport heavy loads regularly or tow a trailer, then you can consider it one of the best heavy duty kit options.
This kit will lift the vehicle approx. 40 mm (see the real dimensions below) that allow you a better distance to the ground and win in elegance. It can be used to accommodate larger tyres. The above dimensions assume a standard vehicle. If you have additional equipment on board at the front, such as a winch or a defense, this will affect the final height installed. If this is the case, contact us as it may be necessary to supply different springs for your application.
coastal charge 300kg to 600kg, consider one of our heavy service options.
The new softer crossbows have 3 leaves, 2 primary and one secondary. The other stiffer set has 5 leaves, 3 primary and 2 secondary.
These components replace the original elements. No other vehicle modifications are required. After mounting, we strongly recommend a wheel alignment for optimal performance of your vehicle.
Are you still not sure this is the right kit? Do you have any more questions? Then contact our team here at Pedders, who can help you.